3D Virtual Tour - PSUOG

Welcome to the Permanent School of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, a comprehensive experience to learn ultrasonography in obstetrics and gynecology. The mission of the school is to spread the scientific knowledge for its use in daily clinical practice and to teach 100% of our experience emphasizing technical and methodological details that are often missing in classical courses. The location of the school is in a new hyper-technological structure located in Perugia that is one of the most beautiful Medieval city with one of the oldest university of Italy. In a lovely environment and stunning atmosphere, you can have a complete immersion in the field of prenatal diagnosis and gynecological ultrasound using state of the art of new technology with the latest premium ultrasound equipment.

Thank you.

Permanent School of Ultrasound in PSUOG Obstetrics and Gynecology
© Permanent School of Ultrasound in Ob/Gyn (PSUOG) all rights reserved

c/o European Medical and Research Center
via Del Giochetto 53/A, 06122, Perugia (Italy)
Director: Graziano CLERICI, MD PhD

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On-Site Events (Courses and Meetings)

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On-Site Training/Diplomas

Diploma in "Maternal-Fetal Ultrasonography"

From September 2023, we implemented a new intensive course with a new format. We believe that it would be extremely attractive with more intensive and concise activities in two weeks. This new intensive two weeks format of “DIPLOMA IN MATERNAL-FETAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY” is dedicated to a wide range of topics covering all the fields of prenatal diagnosis and maternal-fetal medicine. Applicants will have the opportunity to gain a comprehensive experience using state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment and technology including the use of virtual reality in a clinical setting. The courses will be very informal and organized as one-to-one teaching, with two weeks of attendance of theoretical lessons and live ultrasound sessions (half theoretical/half live). In this new format of the Diploma, we provide the VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY to perform virtual ultrasound scans of the normal/abnormal fetal anatomy. The first week of the course is dedicated to the knowledge of the ultrasound technology and to the study of the normal fetal anatomy. The second week is dedicated to the study of the main challenging fetal anomalies of all fetal organs/systems. If you are unable to come for the on-site training, you can apply for the ON-LINE LIVE VERSION that includes all the theoretical activities of the Diploma. After attending these training activities and passing the final examination you will have the Diploma in Maternal-Fetal Ultrasonography. If you follow the On-Line Live Version, a Certificate of attendance for the theoretical part of the Diploma will be provided.

From the 2023 we restructured the school’s activities and courses and we focus our activities on the two-week intensive course format on “MATERNAL-FETAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY”. This course is structured as an intensive and comprehensive course in the wide field of maternal-fetal medicine, starting from the physiology to the main pathologies with the support of the virtual reality. This course provides extensive preparation for diagnostic knowledge in maternal-fetal medicine and provides access to four-week diploma courses. Our goal is to keep the other courses only for very selected cases in relation to the profit of the students and in relation to the availability of the school to carry out 4-week programs. Therefore, only those who have successfully completed the intensive course “MATERNAL-FETAL ULTRASOUND” and obtained the relative Diploma, will have the opportunity to attend the 4-week residential courses. Following the on-site courses you can have a full immersion in the field of Ob/Gyn ultrasonography of your choice. After attending the course and passing the examination, the participants achieve the Diploma in the specific field of application. If you are not able to come, it is possible to follow the training online with the theoretical part of the internship: the ON-LINE LIVE VERSION (that includes all the theoretical activities of the Diploma).

Diploma in "Basic Ob/Gyn Ultrasonography"

The Diploma in "Basic Ob/Gyn Ultrasonography" offers a basic education in obstetric and gynecological ultrasound. The Diploma combines theoretical and practical on-site training. Participants receive a basic level teaching in ultrasound to evaluate the fetus and the main aspects of the female reproductive system.

Diploma in "First Trimester Ultrasonography"

The Diploma in "1st Trimester Ultrasonography" offers a high level of education. It focuses on the screening of chromosomal anomalies and on the evaluation of early fetal anatomy. Participants receive a high level of training for the evaluation of aneuploidies' risk and fetal anomalies during the first trimester.

Diploma in "Fetal Anomaly Scan"

The Diploma in "Fetal Anomaly Scan" offers a high level of education for the assessment of fetal anatomy and the diagnosis of fetal anomalies. Participants receive a high level training in ultrasound to evaluate fetal anatomy during all gestational ages. This Diploma focuses on the diagnosis of abnormalities involving all the main fetal organs/systems.

Diploma in "Fetal Echocardiography"

The Diploma in "Fetal Echocardiography" offers a high level of education for a detailed assessment of fetal heart from its embryology to its anatomy. This Diploma focuses on the fetal cardiovascular system and participants, with the most advanced ultrasound technologies, receive high level of training for the diagnosis of fetal heart anomalies through the study of pathophysiological aspects.

Diploma in "Fetal Neurosonography"

The Diploma in "Fetal Neurosonography" offers a high level of education for a detailed assessment of the fetal brain from its embryology to its pathophysiology and possible anomalies. This Diploma focuses on the evaluation of the fetal brain during the 1th, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and participants receive a high level of training for the diagnosis of fetal brain anomalies.

Diploma in "Maternal-Fetal Hemodynamics"

The Diploma in "Maternal-Fetal Hemodynamics" offers a high level of education in the use of Doppler technology applied to different feto-maternal pathological conditions and used for its management. Participants receive a high level of training for the evaluation of maternal and fetal hemodynamics during all gestational ages with particular attention of IUGR' management.

On-Line Lectures

We are working implementing this section with many on-line lectures

On-Line Lectures

We are working implementing this section with many on-line lectures

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