The Diploma in "1st Trimester Ultrasonography" is focused on the screening of chromosomal anomalies and on the evaluation of fetal morphology during the first trimester. The Diploma combines theoretical and practical on-site training
Participants receive high-level education in ultrasound aimed at the evaluation of the early fetal anatomy during the first trimester of pregnancy. In recent years the evaluation of fetal anatomy has become increasingly important at this gestational age. This training allows participants to evaluate Nuchal Translucency
• To let participants update and improve their knowledge and skills in ultrasound evaluation of the fetus during 1st trimester
• To learn the correct methodology in the NT measurement
• To evaluate early fetal anatomy, performing, when possible, early diagnosis of fetal anomalies
• To use 3D/4D technology for the evaluation of early fetal anatomy/anomalies
• To create shared space for experience and knowledge
• To promote knowledge of different modalities of available chromosomal screenings
Candidates can be:
• Obstetricians and gynecologists
• Residency trainers in obstetrics and gynecology
• Medical doctors
• Nurse/midwives with an interest in ob/gyn ultrasound
• The candidates must have obtained the Diploma in Maternal-Fetal Ultrasonography at PSUOG
The theoretical and practical parts are focused on the following topics:
• Nuchal translucency and other ultrasound markers of fetal aneuploidies
• Counseling of chromosomal abnormalities in the first trimester of pregnancy
• Fetal biometry in the first trimester of pregnancy
• The heart in the first trimester of pregnancy
• The brain in the first trimester of pregnancy
• Fetal anomalies diagnosable during the first trimester of pregnancy
• Counseling of suspected structural abnormalities in the first trimester of pregnancy
• Invasive and non-invasive tests at first trimester
After attending the course and passing the final examination, the participants receive a diploma in "1st Trimester Fetal Ultrasonography"
4 weeks
Please, contact the secretary at
G. Clerici, MD, PhD
€ 7,500
PSUOG at the European Medical and Research Center , Via Del Giochetto 06122 Perugia (Italy)
Secretary: For communications/information about the courses, please use the email address
To attend the course, candidates must fill our application form.
via Del Giochetto 53/A, 06122, Perugia (Italy)
Director: Graziano CLERICI, MD PhD